Where your donations go

Your donation to Turneffe will make a difference

Have a lasting impact on conservation at Turneffe. By donating to conservation programmes at Turneffe Atoll in Belize, you’ll be helping to ensure the long-term sustainable management of the Marine Reserve. 


Turneffe Atoll needs your help

When you donate to the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, you can be certain that you are making a real contribution to the conservation of this very special ecosystem. That’s because 100% of your donation will go to support the work of TASA – the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association.

TASA protects and preserves Turneffe Atoll and the Marine Protected Area (MPA) that surrounds it. TASA’s work is indispensable to maintaining the viability of the Turneffe ecosystem – but they need your support to ensure that they can continue their vital work.


The vital work of the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association

Day in, day out, TASA team members are involved in management, monitoring and surveillance activities that help deter harmful or exploitative behaviour and add to our understanding of the needs of Turneffe Atoll and of the many species that live there. TASA has a mandate to enforce the rules that protect Turneffe Atoll, and to promote scientific research. In this way, they can work out how to overcome these challenges and ensure that future generations can enjoy and benefit from this very special place.

Day in and day out, TASA team members are out protecting the Atoll

Without Turneffe Atoll, we would lose a very precious resource – Turneffe provides a home for wildlife, and also helps mitigate the impact of climate change and extreme weather events. Turneffe Atoll also provides livelihoods for many people living in coastal communities, and is a major drawcard for visitors to Belize.


Why Marine Reserves matter

Privately co-managed Marine Protected Areas like the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve are a relatively new concept, and TASA is at the forefront of establishing how best to manage these areas for the future. This includes using research results to support adaptive management programmes – that is, a flexible approach that can adjust to changing circumstances.

Education and outreach initiatives are also vital parts of TASA’s work – working with local people on ways to sustainably use reef and ocean resources, and with tourism operators to ensure that scuba diving, fishing and other leisure activities are carried out responsibly.

Without TASA, Turneffe Atoll would be a very different place. Indeed, it might not even exist in its current form – and we would all be the poorer if that were the case. That’s why we actively seek donations to support TASA, and why we can confidently tell you that any donation you are able to make, will go to a very good cause indeed. 

Support a sustainable model for both wildlife and local communities


TASA needs your help

Each year, TASA team members conduct an average of 4,000 hours of patrolling and cover some 50,000 kilometres. They also maintain three ranger stations at key points within the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve to help prevent overfishing.

By donating to the TAMR, you will be helping to close any knowledge or enforcement gaps that might otherwise exist. With your help, TASA team members can make sure that the TAMR is fulfilling its main purpose, namely, to protect and preserve the natural breeding grounds and habitats of aquatic life”.

Management activities in the TAMR are structured under six Management Programmes: Natural Resource Management and Protection Research and Monitoring, Community Development and Outreach, Tourism and Recreation, Management and Administration and Infrastructure.


Please give generously

Your donation will also help the TAMR to become a regional model for the effective management of fisheries resources, with improved sustainable production for TAMR fishers; maintain healthy, resilient, biodiverse reefs of Turneffe Atoll, serve as a model for ecologically sustainable tourism, contributing towards the financial sustainability of protected area management, and be financially sustainable.

Achieving these vital objectives requires a core TASA team of at least 20 rangers, a team of seven programme directors, support staff, and extensive infrastructure and equipment. Please give what you can to support the work of TASA, and help preserve the TAMR for future generations. 

100% of your donation goes to support the work of TASA

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