contributors & supporters

Donors & Partners

Thank you to our 2023 partners, donors, and working groups for their unwavering commitment to the sustainable management of the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve.

Honoring Those Who Make Our Work Possible

At the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, we recognize and appreciate the invaluable contribution of our Partners, Donors, and Working Groups. Their dedication and support have been instrumental in making all the work at the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve a reality. We acknowledge that our achievements are a result of collaborative efforts and the generosity of those who believe in our mission. Thank you to our 2023 partners, donors, and working groups for their unwavering commitment to the sustainable management of the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve.

Join Us in Protecting Turneffe Atoll

TASA plays a crucial role in preserving the vitality of the Turneffe ecosystem, but we cannot do it alone. Your support is essential to ensure that we can sustain our vital conservation efforts. Take action today and become a part of our mission of creating a self-sustaining and resilient world class marine reserve through innovative and adaptive interventions for the benefit of the people and country of Belize.


At the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, we collaborate with a diverse network of partners committed to environmental conservation. Together, we implement conservation initiatives and community programs to protect Turneffe Atoll’s marine ecosystems.


Our donors play a crucial role in supporting our conservation projects at Turneffe Atoll. Their generosity funds science monitoring, enforcement and outreach efforts that safeguard the ecological health of Turneffe’s Marine Ecosystems.

Working Groups

In the Belize conservation community, TASA’s directors actively participate in multiple working groups alongside experts from diverse fields. Together, they craft strategies, monitor ecosystem health, and involve stakeholders to advance sustainability efforts.

Thanks for supporting the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve

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